How fast does your WordPress go?

How fast does your WordPress go?

Lately it seems that the only people you see patiently waiting in line is in church.  Self checkout, express checkout, one click checkout, the clapper,  Siri.  We will not wait for Godot,  and some can’t sit for a 90-minute action-packed eye-candy IMAX movie, so only your mother will wait more than 3 seconds for your website to load.

After testing, Google and Pingdom page speed test, these elements are what, if any, you’ll be investigating to speed up your WordPress website,

File-size : looking for featherweights

  • Themes – dress for hot weather and hosting.
  • Plugins –  audit for conflicts and redundancies, optimize for use and need.
  • Page size content – number of items on the page.
  • Images – most of the time the problem is the file size of the photos.

https Requests : 77 or lower

When you’re able to reduce the number of page files, you ultimately reduce HTTP Requests.  Minifying and combining code documents, such as CSS, Javascript and HTML, can effectively transform and reduce the number of requests.

Browser Cache Plugins

This part is try and test.  Some plugins take care of everything others take care of a piece.  There are free plugins rated in the directory and good premium plugins that are worth the money, and there are some hosting providers that have their own plugins or some function included with service.

  • W3 Total Cache is one of the free all-in-one plugins.
  • Siteground hosting has the SG optimizer plugin that caches, combines, and can be used for SSL /https redirection.
  • WP Rocket is $50 a year for 1 site, [is GDPR compliant] and it has a 14-day refund guarantee, which is how I like my premium purchases.